Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Dreaded "+1"

First off, hello to Wooing's lifelong mate. Thanks for the alert, but I pretty much say everything in front of the Husband that I say in front of you so no biggie. If I had to censor myself every time the Husband was around, we would have nothing to talk about. Husband wins today because he discovered the blog.

The "MUTE"?? haha ... now that's a good one! High five to you! I read your entry last night and couldn't figure out who the Mute was, and woke up this morning thinking about it. When does the Mute leave anyway ... he seems to be out there forever. The girl with the clubbing dad? Um, yeah, she annoys me. I don't know really why, but I can picture her telling you that story and I'm trying really hard not to roll my eyes. It is not even 8 a.m. yet ... hm, today has not started off too well.

I did kinda wake up uber cranky. Ugh. That means everything is gonna go wrong today. I best prepare myself.

I went to dinner last night for a surprise birthday dinner for Hollywood Nails thrown by Mama Nails. I love love love the 10 course banquet dinner! 888 Seafood Restaurant on the eastside gets two thumbs up.

Anyway, on to my big gripe of yesterday: the +1. Anyway, Sandy Ink sent an email re the surprise birthday party to all the girls and at the end signed off with "Mama Nails also invited everyone's +1". Now, upon reading this, I immediately had a negative reaction. Why? Um, thanks for reminding me that I don't have a +1 to take along, and why the need to pour salt in my wounds and actually force me to say (once again) that I will be attending alone? Am I being too sensitive? Bitter? Probably ... I did say I was on the verge of stretchy pants and a bird, so I feel fully justified in being annoyed with my happy friends.

I know, I know. Do I want more whine with me cheese ... blah blah blah. Shizz, I know rationally this is pretty high on the petty meter, but I have feelings and insecurities too. So a message on behalf of the single ladies to our friends in happy relationships: It would not kill anyone to say "I" instead of "WE" in a sentence every once in awhile. And when we tell you that we're feeling particularly shitty that day b/c we're lonely, try not to show too much PDA around us ... and PLEASE no need to tell stories of how you found the love of your life. We know you mean well, but really that only makes us hate you more.


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