Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Sorry for the absence, but lots of activity this week coupled with major pity party for myself. But all is good again.

Two things:

1. I am now the proud owner of a deep fryer. Yay for me.

2. I was in Vegas this weekend for a bachelorette party, and my choices of activity on Saturday afternoon were either workout or look at engagement rings. I'm not kidding! Now, I know I should be gracious and do whatever the bach party wants to do, but seriously?? So basically, my choices were a reminder that I'm fat and should workout or that I'm a spinster because no engagement rings are in my near future. Double yay for me.

Other news? Well, in spite of my better judgment, I saw Blackstar today. And so began the downward spiral towards low self-esteem. Sweet.

Plus, I read my horoscope on Yahoo the other day only to find out that I will have 8 UNFAVORABLE months and 4 NEUTRAL months. What does this mean? This means that I have nothing to look forward to but shitty months and shittier months. Awesome.

I'm gonna pop a pill and go to sleep. Is it wrong that I'm calling it a day, and it's only 5 pm? *sigh*

I think I will call this double victory for me, as it is clear that I have totally won as the biggest loser today.


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