What's new? I turned 31. Yeah, 31. Yep, 31 and still completely lost over my career, my love life, and pretty much everything else. I thought my quarter-life crisis happened when I graduated from law school and had a mini panic attack on whether I really wanted to spend the rest of my life practicing law. But, I realize now that my quarter-life crisis is now. And I don't think its going away anytime soon.
I quit my big firm law job at the end of 2007, without realizing that we would be shortly entering the greatest economic depression since the 1930s. And I can't get a job because I've been on a break for too long and the market is now overly saturated with lawyers anyway. Not to mention that I'm pretty sure I don't want to practice law anymore, but won't be hired in any other capacity because companies are risk adverse these days. I have the uncanny ability to find men with the worst commitment issues and decide that they are the loves of my life. All of my girlfriends are married, getting married, have children, or are already pregnant or trying to get pregnant. Which means that even if I wanted to go out to meet new people, there's not many people who want to go out. And, where do the thirties professional crowd hang anyway? So, where does this leave me? With a bottle of jack and pints of ice cream.
I don't know what I'm doing with myself ... and that's awfully scary in this environment. I will continue to cry in my beer and work on discovering the secret recipe to the delicious chicken that is KFC in the meantime.
I quit my big firm law job at the end of 2007, without realizing that we would be shortly entering the greatest economic depression since the 1930s. And I can't get a job because I've been on a break for too long and the market is now overly saturated with lawyers anyway. Not to mention that I'm pretty sure I don't want to practice law anymore, but won't be hired in any other capacity because companies are risk adverse these days. I have the uncanny ability to find men with the worst commitment issues and decide that they are the loves of my life. All of my girlfriends are married, getting married, have children, or are already pregnant or trying to get pregnant. Which means that even if I wanted to go out to meet new people, there's not many people who want to go out. And, where do the thirties professional crowd hang anyway? So, where does this leave me? With a bottle of jack and pints of ice cream.
I don't know what I'm doing with myself ... and that's awfully scary in this environment. I will continue to cry in my beer and work on discovering the secret recipe to the delicious chicken that is KFC in the meantime.
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