I hate to get on my soapbox, but did you hear this latest shizz on the Rihanna-Chris Brown saga?
They're making a duet! Something about overcoming challenges in their relationship. Lovely. Maybe it should be called "My Fist Loves Your Face Too Much."
*sigh* Seriously, what is wrong with this picture?!? Its been only 4 weeks and they're already in the studio recording together? Truth be told, I don't feel sorry for Rihanna anymore ... she's got millions in the bank with legions of fans praying for her safety and recovery, not to mention that she's garnered the sympathy of pretty much anyone in the industry. So, if she's gonna exploit this whole mess, why not just do it alone? Why share it with the dude that gave you an ass whooping? She could've went the Mary J. Blige route and come out with a "No More Drama" song and it'd become the anthem for survivors. Instant millions.
this is so wrong. and annoying.... i'm now adding rhianna to my annoying list for going back to that jerk!