I LOVE ANOOP DESAI!! Oh, American Idol ... you sure have hooked me this season. This guy is dork central, but he's fricken adorable ... and man, can he work a crowd. I think he's got that underdog thing going for him because the crowd went WILD and I found myself smiling through his entire performance. The man's got heart, my friends. And while I don't normally root for Carolina blue, I did like that he shouted out Chapel Hill and did a Duke-Carolina rivalry reference to Kara (who is a former Duke-y).
I think it might be Anoop's year! I'm going to India in April; Slumdog Millionaire killed at the Oscars; and Anoop came back from the dead ... I think the stars are aligned.
Oh, and what's up with Corkrey or Corkscrew or whatever her name is?? She's doing that annoying ass jiggle of hers ... you know what I'm talking about. The hip-duck-wagging thing ... ugh, all season of this?!? Let's get rid of her soon ... I'm not into the whiny-so-called-singing voice ... its close to the robot voice and we all know how much I hate that shizz.
i hate that ass jiggle. totally frickin' annoying. i didn't watch last night but i saw her like 2 weeks ago. erh! gotta get on youtube so i can see this anoop guy. you're going to india april???
ReplyDeletei'm jealous! India?!?! That is going to be fabulous!!