Alright, Jason Mesnick is not the "good guy" everyone made him out to be. I get it, dude got dumped by some janky Bachelorette, but this guy went above and beyond the call of douchery on last night's show.
So, here's the recap: Douchebag picks Melissa over Molly; Melissa and D-bag are engaged; hella weeks later, all parties return to After The Rose Finale Show; D-bag dumps Melissa; D-bag confesses his love for Molly; Molly and D-bag are back together.
Yes, three hours of my life that I will never get back.
I was rooting for Molly the entire time, so it was quite shocking when he picked the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader Melissa at the end ... okay, not that shocking cuz she is, after all, a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader. Melissa is cute, but she doesn't seem too bright ... kind of reminds me of Audrina from The Hills, don't you think? Plus, all her answers to the Mesnick clan seemed so pageant-like and forced. And, poor Molly! Why beg? Its so unattractive and it never works. Lady, keep it together and have some dignity for gawd's sake ... America is watching.
And, was anyone else annoyed with the Mesnick clan? I, in particular, was not a fan of Mama Mesnick. She was all like "ooohh, Molly's all career-oriented" and "well, you know, Melissa seems more family oriented." HELLO?!? When did those two traits become mutually exclusive? I can have a career AND love my family. It is 2009 people!
I knew this Jason Mesnick character was too good to be true. He does, after all, have an ex-wife and is exploiting his cute little kid for chicks. He faked a relationship with Melissa so that he could dump her on national TV. I mean, what about some notice? Someone sure doesn't understand the concept of saving face. And, if he's all in love with Molly, why'd he break her heart so unnecessarily when he picked Melissa in the first place? AND, he made Molly look all desperate and pathetic, first begging him to pick her and then taking his sorry ass back AFTER he proposed to another chick!
I don't know. I'm gonna call it like I see it, and Jason rates pretty high on the dick-o-meter.
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