Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Et tu Daschle?

Another one bites the dust in Obamaville today. Actually, another two bite (or is it bit?) the dust but we only really care about the former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle. The other lady who got ding'd cuz of her tax problems (she was slated as the Chief Performance Officer or something like that) really lucked out, cuz now she can return to obscurity.

(AP Photo)

Why oh why did you not pay your taxes, Mr. Daschle?!? And seriously, Obama transition-vetting-team? How did you guys not find this out?? This leads me to the conclusion that the transition team is not composed of lawyers because the first rule I learned when I began practicing law was this: find out all the dirty facts from your client and figure out how to spin it ... and if you can't, then let's talk settlement.

Obama, you need me and I'm in love with you, so this will be a perfect partnership. Call me.

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