Shouldn't folks in the financial sector know how to ... let me see ... deal with finances? Know how to make money and not lose money?
(AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta from Huffingtonpost.com)Let me break this down. If you give me $100 and my job is to invest that to double your money, and I don't actually do that but instead lose your $100. AND, on top of that, I don't just lose that initial $100 but also spend an additional $1000 on your behalf, without telling you of course, lose that $1000 in the market, and then come back to you and say "hey, you owe me a $1000 and a bonus." Um, I'm sorry ... you know what you would say to me? YOU'RE FIRED.
Morgan Stanley and Citigroup's Smith Barney rewarded their executives with "retention awards" ... not to be confused with "bonuses." Yeah, because apparently these assholes believe Americans are really that dumb. Yep, same fools that received $60 billion in bailout money. So, basically, these dumbasses suck at their job and we're paying them to continue to suck. Why do we want to retain the losers who caused the economy to crash??? Why are we awarding them?? I feel like I'm going crazy cuz I just don't get it. To get your blood boiling, read the article on HuffPo here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/02/11/bailout-recipients-giving_n_165624.html
I also spent part of the morning watching the idiot bankers try to defend what they've been doing since receiving TARP money a few months ago. The magic word here is "try" because there's nothing they can say to justify what happened. These same fools also rewarded themselves with bonuses. When did bonuses become an entitlement? I thought we give bonuses as a nice-job-pat-on-the-back. Now, its nice-job-you-suck-so-here's-a-couple-million-bucks?? Here's the HuffPo article on this crap: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/02/11/wall-street-bankers-to-te_n_165914.html
I am SO in the wrong business. Why'd I go to law school? Kids, if you're deciding on a profession, I suggest you get a business degree and head to wall street.
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