Yeah, I know its been over a week since the Chris-Brown-Rihanna saga started, but I am really still in disbelief over all of this.
And, Chris Brown has the worst PR staff in the business. When you beat up your girlfriend, this is not an "unfortunate" situtation. And, stop talking about God making you a better person, cuz neither the public nor God wants to hear that you're gonna emerge from this stronger. Uh, you're not the victim here mister. And finally, the its-not-as-bad-as-it-seems crap NEVER works because punching her only once in the face doesn't make it any better.
The latest gossip-psuedo-journalism site that is definitely my number one site to visit for all the crazy gossip in R&B and hip-hop, Media Takeout, is "reporting" that the fight was about HERPES! YES, HERPES! Allegedly, Rihanna got the shizz from Jay Z and she passed it on to Chris Brown, which is why Chris Brown felt the need to give her an ass whooping. Read here for ya self: http://www.mediatakeout.com/2009/30673-top_florida_paper_prints_jay_z-_rihanna_-_chris_brown_herpes_rumor.html
WOW. Yowzers, right?? I don't know if we'll get the real scoop anytime soon, but the saddest part of all of this is that Chris Brown will probably be back making music in a couple of months. Uh, hello, Hollywood doesn't have morals cuz money will buy you out of anything. Woody Allen boned his wife's adopted daughter and people still watch his movies. That Polanski guy has been on the run for years in France because he's a certified child molester, and people still adore his work. And the perfect example that you can always recover from scandal? R. fricken Kelly! That guy was making music while he was still on trial!!!
America, grow a pair and stop supporting these losers.
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