There, I said it. Whew! Man, does that feel good.
So, despite being unemployed and with total disregard of this awful economy, I decide that the cure for my depression is shopping therapy. Bad news bears, my friends. Why did I think this was a good idea? Who knows what goes on in my cuckoo head.
Happy Blind Bat -- bless her heart -- tried in vain to prevent the damage, but I was not to be stopped. I fell in love with two dresses, and couldn't decide which one to purchase because they were both so beautiful. And because I'm totally irrational and Happy Blind Bat is a good friend, we decide that I need (yes, I said need, not want) BOTH dresses because my birthday is next week, so natch, I need a birthday dress ... and I have to suffer through another wedding again, so I need another dress for that wedding. BAM! Problem solved -- two dresses for two different occasions. Makes sense, right?
At this point, I'm having major shopping regret. Its like in the movies -- there's a little angel on one shoulder telling me that I don't need the dresses and I should return them, while a little devil rests on my other shoulder telling me that I totally rock the dresses and I deserve to look cute. WHAT TO DO??!!??!! Must call Hollywood Nails.
So, every time I spend too much money on clothes, I call Hollywood Nails cuz she's the BEST person to go to when you need justification for pretty much anything. She's that supportive. I describe my new found love for these dresses, she (of course) knows exactly what to say, and unprompted replies nonchalantly "you definitely need two dresses ... one for your birthday and one for the wedding." SEE, she gets it and she came up with that all on her own! I totally agree and we're pretty much giving each other high fives over the phone for our genius reasoning. Granted, Hollywood Nails is in the middle of a facial on Wednesday afternoon, so given that neither one of us is working but rather shopping and getting facials, I'm pretty sure we both needed to lie to ourselves.
It seemed apropos to watch Confessions of a Shopaholic after this, so off we went. The movie is super cute! Loved it ... but no surprise there. If you liked Sex and The City, its a PG rated version of that without sacrificing all the fashion eye candy.
I know you all are dying to hear what I ultimately decided. I know you think I kept it, but I'm full of surprises. In an effort to be more fiscally responsible, I'm gonna return the two dresses ... well, for now at least. Hey, baby steps! BUT, I am gonna keep this super cute shirt which was practically free in comparison. Kim Kardashian is wearing it here:
Cute, right?? And even cuter on me. :-)
hey you! i also heard that your unemployed ass pitched in way too much money for the bachelorette!!!! you really shouldn't have but it was a very very thoughtful thing for you to do. BTW what are we doing for your bday? I'll be in town Friday for the rehearsal dinner but I want to meet up afterwards for the festivities.