Alright, I've tried really really REALLY hard to avoid a post on my rantings of the latest and greatest stimulus plan, but since the Senate appears to have FINALLY agreed on some kind of package, I thought we were on our way to righteous recovery and I could move on to a celebratory toast to an actual functioning Congress.
So wrong. So very wrong. Very very wrong. Did I mention how wrong I was?
According to my main man, the economic guru and Nobel Prize Winner Paul Krugman, we're not spending enough! You read correctly: we're not spending enough! The whole point of a stimulus plan is to infuse the market with money (i.e., spending) so that products are bought, people keep their jobs making more products, and use their well-earned salaries on buying other products, which keep other people employed making other said products, who in turn use their salaries to buy other other products, and yada yada yada ... and BOOM goes the dynamite. Market eventually stabilizes and we're all happy again in the land of Oz.
But when the dude that wins the Nobel Prize in economics says that our so-called leaders in the Senate cut the very portions of the stimulus we actually do need to save our bankrupt states, we are in bad shape friends. How do I know this? Because Krugman says in the New York Times that "THIS IS REALLY, REALLY BAD." No hidden message here.
Here's Krugman's post in its entirety, in case you want to read the dismal news with your own peepers: http://krugman.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/02/07/what-the-centrists-have-wrought/
Haven't I Been saying this?! I'm no nobel prize winner but shoot tucking money under the mattress for a rainy day does not help the economy.