Aside from toothpaste residue in the sink, my biggest pet peeve ever is when someone mispronounces my last name AFTER I've already told them the correct pronunciation of it. Why do people do this? Like they know better than I do how to pronounce my name ... right, because I've only had it ALL MY EFFIN LIFE.
Here's the convo that went down at the Jiffy Lube at the corner of La Brea & Melrose:
Jiffy Lube: What's your first and last name?
Me: Its blah blah blah Winner ... and then I spell it for him
Jiffy Lube: Oh, you mean blah blah blah (mispronouncing name)
Me: NO sir, I mean blah blah Winner and then I continue to pronounce it correctly again
Jiffy Lube: Really? Its not blah blah (mispronouncing name again)
Me: Uh, yeah, I'm pretty sure I know how to pronounce my name. YOU might want to learn how to pronounce it.
Jiffy Lube: Sure, thanks Ms. Winner (mispronouncing name again)
I'm probably more annoyed than I should be, probably because I read this awful article about this congress lady from Texas, Betty Brown (that's real original), who thinks Asians should change their name to something more convenient for poll workers. Yes, that's for real. And yes, this is 2009. Check it out here: http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/front/6365320.html
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