Gawd, the world sucks. Did you hear the latest on this Slumdog Millionaire child star? While the flick made a gazillion dollars around the world, received Oscars galore, and drew attention to the slums of Mumbai, it is sad to say that the children of this movie just can't catch a break in life.
Over the weekend, we learned that the father of Rubina Ali has put his daughter up for sale/adoption at the whopping price of 200,000 pounds! The optimistic side of me wants to believe that he's making the ultimate sacrifice for his daughter ... giving her up so that she can actually have a real fighting chance of getting out of the slums. The cynical -- and sometimes more realistic -- side of me knows that while she may find a decent family because of her notoriety, there are tens of thousands of other little girls who are trafficked every day as sex slaves and that when the media stops following her story, she may also fall victim to this modern day slavery.
I don't know what to make of this, but the media is portraying papa as a sleazy selfish dude who finally found his meal ticket. Just sad and depressing all around at whatever angle you take it. Depressing that there is such extreme poverty and suffering in the world where a father has to give up his daughter. Depressing that there is a father who would be willing to sell his flesh and blood to the highest bidder, knowing that her future may be one of slavery and rape. Depressing that there exists sickos in the world who keep the sex trafficking of children alive and well in 2009.
Yep, the world sure does suck.